Deuk Spine Institute - Laser Spine Surgery Center Blog

Deuk Spine Institute - Laser Spine Surgery

What does Deuk Spine Institute Mean To Me?

April 05, 2019

We asked all of our employees a simple question: "What does Deuk Spine Institute Mean To You?" We have shared several answers we received with you already, and we'd like to take the time to share a few more here today.

Opioids: Don’t mask neck and back pain; treat it.

May 02, 2018

Treating Pain vs Masking Pain

4 Ways Severe Neck and Back Pain Affects Your Life

October 25, 2017

Sufferers of severe neck and back pain often go years with over-the-counter medications or short-term treatments offered by the insurance companies before reaching a breaking point and seeking new back pain solutions. The affects of this back pain can steal the joy out of daily life and make normal activities difficult.

The American Chiropractors Association estimates that up to 31 million Americans experience issues with neck and back pain each year. We talked to Don, a resident of Orlando, Florida, about his neck and back pain, how it impacted life, and the steps he took to finally get relief..

Get Back to Work Faster with Deuk Laser Disc Repair

September 28, 2017

You May Not Need Back or Neck Surgery

August 31, 2017


Surgery, the one word that either scares people away, or is what they believe they need to cure their debilitating back or neck pain. Surgery is not always the answer and should be considered a last resort. At Deuk Spine Institute our goal is to get a patient out of pain, not force them to undergo expensive surgical procedures that may not be right for them. We believe that every patient deserves freedom from pain as soon as possible by offering patients the treatment that is best for their condition.  

Did You Know Your Headaches and Other Pain Can be Coming from Your Spine?

July 31, 2017

While there are many different causes of chronic migraines  such as inflammation, blood flow issues, infections like meningitis, or intercrainial pressure, one cause most overlooked is a herniated disc. A herniated disc or bulging disc occurs when disc degeneration or injury allows the disc to expand outside its normal bounds, causing it to come in contact with nerves running along the spine.

Don't Be a Victim of Failed Back Surgery Syndrome

July 28, 2017

John Fitzgerald Kennedy, the thirty fifth president of the United States, was one of the most famous, yet one of the most unknown sufferers of chronic back pain. According to the Chronic Pain and Fatigue Research Center, chronic lower back pain had an impact on the life and especially the death of the 35th president.

Don't Settle for a Life of Pain

July 20, 2017

Back and neck pain are the most common sources of chronic pain in the world, yet people choose to live with this pain instead of taking care of it. Some don't want to spend the time getting it looked at while others just chalk it up to old age. No matter what you believe the cause of your chronic back or neck pain is, you should always seek a pain free life and never settle for less.

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